The Slog

Not a Blog but a Sailing Log. My musings as Anjea sails me around the world and I make feeble attempts to grok the meaning of the universe along the way.

  • Port Hacking

    This marina is filled with power boats. There are very few yachts and Anjea looks uncomfortable. However, the locals are friendly and I soon find out that they did a Sydney to Hobart years ago or …


  • Hobart to Sydney

    A long slog about a long trip — from Hobart to Sydney via everywhere in between. We tried to strike a balance between 'getting there' and 'stopping everywhere'. We made a few stops along the east …


  • Time to Go Home

    "It's time to go home" says Lesley.

    Home. That's a funny word: Anjea is my home. What she means is back to Hobart, back to POW Bay and back to the boatyard. How sad that I know instantly she means …


  • Tiger Snakes and Mountains

    As I snap the photo she strikes. I jump back, trip over the pathway and land on my arse, adrenalin pumping, ready to bash tiger snakes with the camera if necessary. But it was just a warning strike …


  • Mind Mangling

    We were kind of warned about the Port Davey River but no amount of warnings could have prepared us for the mind mangling experience of being there. It is an awesome place, a beautiful river …


  • Mt Rugby and The Best Beer Ever

    It turns out that Lesley and I are not the only yachties silly enough to want to climb Mt Rugby. We fall in with a bunch of others making their way to the summit of this awesome mountain, plopped …


  • On the Way West

    We are travelling west across the bottom of Tasmania, from Recherche Bay to Port Davey. The fabled roaring fourties are quiet today but despite the light conditions we both feel exposed out here on …


  • Predicting the Future

    When confronted by a complex system in an unknown state that you need to deal with into the future there is one thing you should do first: establish a baseline. It could be a used car, an existing …


  • Escape from the Boatyard

    Today, finally, we made our escape from Prince of Wales Bay and the boatyard. It really was hard for me to grasp that it was finally happening, especially as I spent the morning running around town …


  • The Wooden Boat Festival

    The Hobart Wooden Boat Festival was a lot of fun and incredibly popular. Even at 9am it was busy and by 11am I had had enough of the crowds and just wanted to escape. By then I had seen most of the …


Not a Blog but a Slog: a Sailing Log of course! Don't forget to look at the Gallery too.