The Slog
Not a Blog but a Sailing Log. My musings as Anjea sails me around the world and I make feeble attempts to grok the meaning of the universe along the way.
Progress in the Boatyard
Sailing with Lesley over Christmas was great but it exposed a few problems. First, of course, is the need to finish the stainless steel work at the back of the boat. This is an arch that holds the …
Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal (NC) and the Student from Hell
The Cox course at AMC was not designed for me; I am not sure who it was designed for but their advertising is directed at Torres Strait Islanders. I find that a bit odd for a Tasmanian University and …
Never put all your eggs in one basket — Don Quixote
Diversify your investments — any investment advisor
A single point of failure (SPOF) is a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the …
Murder in the Marina
It was a beautiful afternoon, a gentle breeze, a few clouds, soft sunlight dancing on the water, and I was just mucking about cleaning and trying to enforce some kind of order on the bunch of entropy …
Winter in Hobart
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Walking to the clubhouse I fall in with another sailor, a local it turns out. I'm rugged up in several layers finished off with a beany, woollen gloves and padded jacket. He' …
The First Time Solo
Lots of people are surprised when I say I intend to sail by myself. They think it's changing sails that's the hard part, or steering, or staying awake. While sail handling has its memorable moments, …
The First Night Onboard
Moving onto Anjea was a pretty simple event. Just grab my gear, stick it in the van, drive down to Hobart and load everything on the boat. Except I had a dreadful cold and all I really wanted to …
The Brexit
It's a thing. Today, against all the pundit's expectations, the Brits voted to separate from the guys over the channel. Wankers. But maybe it will be for the best, eventually. The Brits have voted to …
Real Talk — Man Overboard
Personally, I only know one person who has fallen overboard. She was wearing an immersion suit and competing in a professionally organized sailing event. Even so, she spent several hours in the …
Sometimes, Depression is the Only Rational Response
The doctor says it's shingles, a variation of Chicken Pox that affects adults. Apparently you don't 'catch' it. The herpes virus that causes chicken pox lives in your nerves from childhood and when …
Not a Blog but a Slog: a Sailing Log of course! Don't forget to look at the Gallery too.