The Slog

Not a Blog but a Sailing Log. My musings as Anjea sails me around the world and I make feeble attempts to grok the meaning of the universe along the way.

  • We Won!

    Oh, Dili is so different! I had forgotten how much difference a culture makes. We've been immersed in Dili for the past 24 hrs and they are such a beautiful, trusting and generous people. Last night' …


  • Over the Top

    Beautiful sunshine on a 33 degree winter's day. It was one out of the box and such a contrast to the almost constant grey of the previous days crossing the Gulf of Carpentaria and the top of Arnhem …


  • Cairns

    Fitzroy Island

    Friday, 25 May 2018

    On 9th June 1770, Captain James Cook sailed past an island off a prominent cape on the Australian east coast. He named the cape 'Grafton'  and the Island 'Fitzroy' …


  • The North Queensland Coast

    The photo above is of Balding Bay, Magnetic Island's 'Nudie Beach', if you believe some of the locals. We didn't. But it's a beautiful spot, far nicer than the photo implies, and the walk there from …


  • The Queensland Coast

    This is a sailing slog, with more than usual emphasis on passages and anchorages. I have tried to make it useful for Jean Marie, Arica and Beaujolais who are following us up the coast and have not …


  • Plan B

    The idea was to sail north from Scarborough Marina in the northern suburbs of Brisbane to Bundaberg, a distance of roughly 240 nm (440 km) but to stop overnight at Mooloolaba and again somewhere in …


  • Aground, and Only Myself to Blame

    Well, when I anchored here I thought "It's going to blow gently from the South East, maybe the East, 10 knots max. So I can anchor close to the southern shore, no problems." Fucking weather forecasts! …


  • Rocky and The Fitzroy River

    Photo: Stavanger, Ellen Stanyer

    Captain Robert Fitzroy was an English aristocrat with an interest in science and exploration, most famously selecting young Charles Darwin to join him in a cruise to …


  • Big River

    Northern NSW is endowed with some big rivers, bigger than anywhere else in the dry continent of Australia. Of these, the Clarence River is the biggest, most navigable and most easily accessible. …


  • Dressing Up

    Anjea got a new set of covers and I got an eyepatch.

    My eyepatch was a consequence of an eye problem. It's all good now, but the pirate jokes got a bit boring! The best was Matthew Harper's …


Not a Blog but a Slog: a Sailing Log of course! Don't forget to look at the Gallery too.