The Slog

Not a Blog but a Sailing Log. My musings as Anjea sails me around the world and I make feeble attempts to grok the meaning of the universe along the way.

  • The Child In Charge

    At the Ratco bus station in Tanga I am waiting for the bus. Not waiting for it to arrive – the bus is already here, but waiting for it to start. A bunch of fundi keep doing the same things: clean the …


  • Crossing the Indian Ocean

    11 January 2020: Sabang, The Day Before

    Clearing out of Sabang, Indonesia takes forever. First, it’s Saturday and everyone is just slooowwww. Then the internet goes down, then the power goes off, …


  • The Magic Is About To Start

    I hate drunks. They are insensitive, self-obsessed, boring, stupid, and uninspiring. Unless, of course, I am drunk too, in which case they are entertaining, insightful, delightful, clever, and …


  • Back to Java

    Sailing past Java last year I stopped just once in the Sunda Straits, the north-westernmost tip of Java, a couple of months before a tsunami devastated Carita Beach, where I anchored.

    Anakrakata ( …


  • Go Now or Later?

    The 'eagle' is the symbol of Langkawi. Except it isn't an eagle at all but a kite, a Brahminy Kite to be precise. More photos here.

    When I first arrived in Langkawi in December last year it was the …


  • Goodbye Indonesia

    Eric Tang and his mechanic at PAMarine have done a great job on the gearbox, which is now reinstalled and working perfectly. It took a while to get the required parts from Sweden but I believe it's …


  • Back to Sebana Cove

    Thirty years ago someone had a huge vision for a mangrove swamp in Johor, Malaysia, just opposite Singapore Island and sank a very large amount of money and effort into a marina and golf resort. The …


  • The Equator, Gearboxes and Trust

    My plan to sail offshore the Sumatra coast has stalled, run out of wind and at the same time acquired too many headwinds — and has now sunk. I knew that sailing the doldrums without an engine would …


  • Deep Chill

    The name is a reference to the sensory deprivation experience of chilling out in a floatation tank — Gary, the owner, being interested in such things. I get the parallel but it isn't quite my …


  • Atauro Island

    The photo above is just one of the hundreds of dolphins we passed on the way to Atauro from Dili.

    The island of Atauro is less than a day's sail north of Dili and a complete contrast. Look past the …


Not a Blog but a Slog: a Sailing Log of course! Don't forget to look at the Gallery too.