If I can help deliver your yacht or provide professional skippering of small craft please contact me at [email protected]
35 years sailing experience
Lived onboard for 8 years
16,000 nm sailing
Australia, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia
Marine Qualifications
Coxwain Grade 1
Delivery of a Lagoon 380 from Hong Kong to Singapore, September 2018:
In October of 2018, I bought my very first sailing boat, a 38' catamaran, in Hong Kong. I had to relocate the boat to Johor, Malaysia (next to Singapore). Having absolutely zero sailing experience, I absolutely required a skilled skipper to help me prepare the boat, and to bring it there safely.After many false starts with other delivery skippers, I happened upon Dave Gardner. He was exactly what I needed. Under his leadership, we sailed the boat over 1,600 nm over 11 days averaging 140 nm/day, in a large range of weather conditions.Both before and during the passage, Dave provided clear and patient direction to his inexperienced crew, leading by example and keeping us informed about routing and weather. He has a deep knowledge of all yacht systems, and frequently undertook running improvements and repairs to the boat that were quite beyond the scope of his duties.I just could not have asked for a more appropriate and skilled skipper to undertake this significant passage. I feel particularly lucky to have found Dave for this journey, and would recommend him to anyone needing a delivery skipper.
Gary Dean — Deep Chill, Lagoon 380, Hong Kong to Singapore