Leaving Sao Luis

We have made friends here and will be sorry to leave them. Merel, of course, wants to spend the rest of the year exploring Brazil, and it’s tempting – it is a vast rich country that would reward many months of exploration. So why not stay? Well, I expect to return one day to explore further south on my way down to Ushuaia, but that’s a long way in the future.

Tomorrow we extract Anjea from her mud bath at the Marina Avena and make our way back to the anchorage in deeper water just a mile or so from here where we will prepare for the overnight trip up the coast to Ilha dos Lençois, a small settlement between here and the mouth of the Amazon. I expect there will not be any phone or internet, so you will probably hear from us next when we reach Cayenne, French Guyana, in a few weeks time.

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    It’s Luísa and Eduardo here
    Your Friends from São Luís
    We are missing you guys already!
    So come back to Brasil!!!

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