Dow and Anjea. Anjea is the middle boat with the tent.Bike Dirt. Me on arrival back at the club, covered with dust. Photo by Malaika, age 6.Tanga Yacht Club at Sunset. Around the circle starting far left: Das, Roy, Happy, CB, Terry, Malaika, Arthur, Gerhard, Karina and the irrepressible Marina. Anjea is just visible to the right of the bell.Father and Son. Nathan and his father Arthur.A Park Surrounds the Bar. The bar on the outskirts of Meheza is surrounded by manicured gardens.
Bar Near MuhezaMabanyani Reservoir with East Usambara HillsArthur and the Bikes Mabayani ReservoirRiverTanzanian River between Gambero and MuhezaThe Beast . While taking a drinks break in a village near Gombero.The main street. Chickens, goats and people dodge the traffic in the main street.Our bikes. We stopped for a coke in a small village.