01 Flags are Flying. Roy's ensign is bigger than anyone elses'02 CB and Das' Bunting. They got it it up, but will they ever get it down?03 Sally and Tony Arrive. They got hitched at the Registry Office.04 Tony. Married life hasn't changed him. Yet.05 Gene Played06 DJ Karina07 And there was Dancing08 Roy Has a Present09 And it is Beautifully Wrapped. (Not)10 Sailor's Gift Wrapping11 Bloody Dynema!12 The Knife is Passed to Gene13 Gene has a Go14 This Knife is Blunt!15 Success! But What Is It?16 Realization Begins17 But Really, What Is It?. Tony knows.18 Now They Get It!19 Champers All Round20 Cutting the Cake21 And More Dancing