Three BirdsThe Clarence River at DawnPelican Taking OffShag TakeoffFishingIlukaSunset Over the ClarenceFlightClarence RiverFlowersThey Look Ridiculous. Pelicans are so outsized that they look quite silly perched on a pile.Anjea at MacleanHarwood Bridge.. That's a bit of the Pacific Highway up there!!Harwood Bridge.. The bridge is opened on demand with 24hrs notice. Anjea at BrushgroveEx Pub, UlmarraAnjea at BrushgroveHouse on ClarenceBrushgrove PubPublic Jetty at MacleanHouse by the ClarenceCane FieldsHouse by the ClarenceWooden Dinghy by the RiverClassic BoatFarm HouseFarm HouseChurch by the ClarenceAnjea at Brushgrove.. Looking from the pub lawn over the South Branch.The RoadHarwood Marine. Where Anjea (then, Sudden Impulse) was built.Farm HouseFarm HouseFishing BoatClarence RiverYachtFishing BoatBoats on the RiverAnjea at Brushgrove. Anjea at the public floating pontoon at Brushgrove.River ChurchClarence RiverClarence RiverAnjea at Maclean Clarence RiverThe Big RiverUlmarra Hotel. A very attractive town and a fitting destination. This is as far upriver as we got in our pubcrawl.AnjeaAnjea. Yes. The Clarence River has been known to flood occasionally.Roadworks at Lawrence. Several gentlemen with lollypops ushered us across the road, making sure we didn't come to grief on land. They even knew where the pub was!Approaching Harwood Bridge. Harwood Bridge is being replaced, hence the cranes and construction work.Anjea at Brushgrove. At the Brushgrove public jetty.Anjea at Lawrence. The only public jetty that was not a floating pontoon. Still an excellent jetty though.Ducks Lined Up. Ducks in flight over Clarence River canefields.Birds in FlightAnjeaPacific Highway Bridge. The Pacific Highway crosses the Clarence at Harwood carrying your Amazon trinkets up the East Coast of AustaliaSunset over Anjea. The sun sets over Anjea at Ulmarra Public JettyAnjea at Maclean. At the public jetty.Harwood Marine. Anjea was built at this yard in 1997. We were not encouraged to visit so we gave it a miss. Disappointing.AnjeaBrushgrove BridgeAnjea at Brushgrove. Anjea at the Brushgrove public jettyBrushgrove BridgeFoggy Morning. Morning mist over the Clarence River at Ulmarra