Loch Aline . Looking towards the entranceWater Everywhere. There is even a hydroelectric scheme to power the estate.Slate Stash?Anjea in LochalineIn Charge. Good to know someone is looking after things.Ardtornish House. The main residence on the Ardtornish EstateThe Old House. This was the original house on the Ardtornish Estate. More of a fort than a house.Silica Mine. The main industry here is the silica mine.Lochaline Ferry. You don't want to meet it coming the other way in that very narrow channel.Sheep. Sheep are universally curious for 60 seconds. It takes them that long to work out whether to run away or go back to eating.Big House. The view from my back porch (when it isn't raining).Wet SunshineArdtornish House. This place somehow attracts the sunBabbling Brook?. This one roared!American Couple. It took them just 2 hrs to do Lochaline. I've been here 2 weeks and will be sorry to leave.