Mbahe Farm. Our first stop is Simon Mtuy's beautiful permaculture farm in the Kilimanjaro foothills.Window. My room was built mostly of recycled materials.Permaculture Garden. Like the entire area, everything at the farm is inspired by permaculture.The Farm. Roy strolling through the permaculture gardens at the farm.Dining. Food from the farm, except meat, and I am standing in front of a big open fire.MalaikaYep, It's a DoorDo I Have to Smile?Red Hot Poker PlantDavid Attenborough. Roy with a chameleon, doing his best to look like David Attenborough.Local BoysMarina, Miriam and MalaikaSBB. (Twitcher-speak for Small Brown Bird)Shy Girl, Shy CowBold Girl, Shy CowThe Heywood's Model Agency. Marina, Miriam and MalaikaMarina. An Angel - well, sometimes.Marangu Gate. Approaching the National Park Gate, the official start of the walk to the summit of Kilimanjaro.The Height of Our Fantasy. This is as high as we got. Maybe I will climb the real thing next time... Our Host. Simon is our host at Mbahe Farm. His record has since been broken by younger runners he helped train.Malaika and Marina at the Top. Our subsititute for climbing the real thing is a model of the mountain just inside the Marangu Gate.The Marangu Gate. Our party at the start of the 6 day walk to the top of Kilimanjaro. No we did not actually walk to the real summit.Miriam. Mother of two beautiful girls and Arthur's wife.First Guide. He guided many people to the top of Kilimanjaro in his 125 years.Marina. Defying the cold water. There are permanent glaciers at the top of Kilimanjaro.Like Old Wine, Crusty but BenignDancing on Rocks. Us old farts are not as nibble as we used to be.MalaikaBeauty and the Beast. Here is proof that Roy can be nice to children!Traditional Chagga HouseDSC_8271In the Tree HouseTraditional Chagga House SignDawn over Lake Natron. Our second stop is Årke Lindstrom's Lake Natron Camp. So gob-smackingly amazing I failed to take any pics till the second day.Great Rift Valley. Lake Natron is in the Great Rift Valley, the Serengeti starts at the top of the escarpment.Ol Doinyo LengaiPelicanOl Doinyo Lengai. Maa for the 'Mountain of God'. Ol Doinyo Lengai. It is an active volcano that last erupted in 1960.Roy. Avid biologist.Grey Headed GullPelican FamilyLizardElegant FlamingosOl Doinyo LengaiGiraffe. Surely the most graceful of animals.I am HidingWilson and MarinaClassic Ol Doinyo LengaiGiraffe against Ol Doinyo LengaiCrikey! A Tourist!They're Off!Ol Doinyo LengaiMy Favorite Wild ChildMountains over Lake NatronOl Doinyo LengaiZebra FamilyArthur and MiriamTree and ZebraZebra FillyOl Doinyo Lengai. The lava flows stretch for many kilometres around the mountain.Early Morning at the Flamingo ColonyOur Mountain. Ol Doinyo Lengai is the background to everything.Greater FlamingoFlasher. The brilliant pink-orange underwing flash of color is caused by the extreme alkalinity of the lake supporting algae, crustaceans and brine-shrimp containing carotenoids that the birds react to.Enroute Flamingo Colony. To call it a track is to exagerate. It's just a bush bash thru the pensinsula to the island colony.Årke . Our host at Lake Natron Camp, Årke took some great shots.Lesser Flamingo. Both the Greater and Lesser Flamingo are present but the Lesser Flamingo is rarer.Flamingo Island. Most birds are nesting.Flamingo Flight. It can be hard to tell one end from the other.Flamingo Runway. They run on those long spindly legs before comitting themselves to their wings.FlamingosFlamingos. An early morning visit to the Greater Flamingo nesting site.FlamingosGoats. Maasai herd of goats.PelicanPelican ParadeSnake Eagle TakeoffOl Doinyo Lengai. Unique among active volcanoes in that it produces Sodium Carbonate based lava instead of the usual Silica-based lava.From my tent. Being a carbonatite volcano, Ol Doinyo Lengai's lava causes the lake to be highly alkaline with a pH around 12.Snake EagleOl Doinyo LengaiPelican in FlightPelicans in FlightSundowners. Wilson leads us to the spring, our sundowner destination for today.A Study in Contrasts. The beauty of the contrasting landscapes brought tears to my eyes.The Spring. The pool is fed by a freshwater spring, which sustains the grasssy, reedy swamp.Wildebeest. With Ol Doinyo Lengai in the backgroundArthur, Malaika and Marina. Cooling off in the spring.Wilson and Rock. Wilson explains that the rock was used for protection.The Odd Bunch. A single greater flamingo wades with a spoonbill, a sacred ibis and a bunch of lesser flamingos.More FlamingosFlamingosDesert Rose. This strange plant has an enormous trunk (that someone has bored a hole in), very few leaves, and masses of beautiful flowers.Fish. The pool at the spring has vast numbers of small fish that nibble your toes.Pelican ZebraFeathers are Collectibles. This looks like a pelican feather but the flamingo feathers are awesome.DSC_9656How to Frighten the Birds. Birdwatching be buggered! Chasing them is much more fun for Marina.Ready for TakeoffMalaika on the Island. Everyone enjoyed sundowners at Lake Natron because we always went to a different place.Sunset from the IslandSundowners on the Island. We waded out to a small island for our last sundowner.Pelicans in FlightOl Doinyo Lengai. (The mountain of God) My room at the LodgeMy Villa at the LodgeMe at SunsetRoy Enjoys a Beer. Our last sundowner at Lake Natron.Setee in my Villa. The lodge is beautifully furnished.Common Room. The Ngare Sero lodge common room has the biggest fireplace I've seen for a long time.The Lake at Ngare Sero Lodge. The lodge has an extensive waterway with trout farm, energy recovery and this beautiful lake.Tourists on the Lake. I have no idea who they are but they took more photos than I did!Two Birds on a Lake. The lake at the Ngare Sero Lodge is popular with birds.Kilimanjaro at Sunset. Our only view of the summit was from Moshi, 65 km away, on the last day. A rare sight.Perfect Begonias. Everything grows to perfection on the slopes of KilimanjaroWaterfall and poolThe Crew at the Summit. A model of the mountain for climbers who don't want to spend 6 days getting to the top.Waterfall. One of several waterfalls.Ancient Human Footprint. An ancient mud bed at Lake Natron captures the print of someone who passed here tens of thousands of years back.DSC_7621Female Chameleon. Females lack horns.LillyMale Chameleon. Males have horns on their head.
DSC_7764KidHouseGoats. Domestic animals are kept close to the house, traditionally inside the house.Everything GrowsSimon. Simon Mtuy is a wonderful host, but is also a serious campaigner and fund raiser for the local Chagga people.Crossing a Stream. Simon Mtuy helps the girls keep their feet dry.The HeywoodsDSC_7965Reluctant CowUnder Construction. Houses take many years to build as money and resources are found.Cress. Watercress is cultivated in every waterway.Myrrh. The resin is used as an analgesic and perfume.Wilson and Marina. A short wade got us from the mainland to the island for our final sundowners.Waterfall. Arthur risks a wet camera.Maasai Guide. This man guided us through a trackless wilderness of grass and acacia to the flamingo nesting site.Last Sunset. Our last sunset at Lake Natron Camp.Common Room at Ngare Sero