More of the Same

The sun is up and we have cloud today, so less solar and will need to run the engine more to make it up. I am experimenting with a new strategy using both battery banks and both alternators, and switching the fridge off overnight. It seems to work a bit better but the big alternator on the house bank still fails to live up to expectations.

It is now 2 days since we last saw another boat, a cargo ship headed to southern Brazil.

Only a few small flying fish on deck this morning. The sea is a bit choppy and we’ve had a few splashes on deck – enough to wash away the bodies. I caught a fish yesterday afternoon but it got away. The line is out again this morning and I will keep a closer eye on it.

The wind continues at about 15 knots from directly behind. We furled the genoa a little on the first couple of days but the full genoa and staysail, without a mainsail, are now a perfect setup for our downwind flight. The forecast is for a light patch tomorrow followed by good winds until we get close to de Noronha.

I hope your day is as pleasant as ours.

Dave and Merel.

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